Voor het programma Ondernemerschap van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam werd Visual Notes gevraagd om de informatie rondom Ondernemen met…. 2014-2015Â te visualiseren in een Big Note. Doel van het programma Ondernemerschap is om de nieuwe ondernemers die we opleiden zo goed mogelijk te equiperen om kansen, nu of in de toekomst, te benutten. Om dit te […]
For the fifth edition of the Groningen Live Endoscopy Day we were hired to make a big visual note. It shows you can have a visual reporter present on almost every occasion. During the day there was a live video and audio connection with multiple operating theaters, were live surgery was taking place. We were […]
Students and experts were brought together by the municipality of Maastricht to discuss the subject of civic participation. Tammy Zinsmeister and Peter Cuijpers of Conscio, were leading the discussion with inspirational insights and challenging ideas and state of mind of the participants. The big question that was the opener for the meeting was: What is civic participation? […]
There a couple of words that are used to describe the same service. In this post I name a few. Visual Notes Big can also be called wall harvest, graphic recording, graphic harvesting or wall doodle (Sunni Brown). Visual Notes Small can also be referred to as sketch note (Mike Rohde) or doodle (Sunni Brown). […]